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Online Marketing Agency for B2B Service Providers

We help you win the clients you deserve.

We help you increase your revenue by 20% in 12 months by targeting key customers with your own tailored strategy.

Learn which strategy you can use
to increase your revenue by 20%.

Stoffe kaufen bei
Thetaheilen - Anja Küthe
DISG Akademie - Gedam gmbh
Stefan Küthe - Management Trainer
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As your social media marketing agency, we work together to further develop your strategy for platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or Pinterest. When we collaborate, you’ll increase your revenue by 20% through greater reach in the social networks that matter to you.

Most clients are starting with small projects:

• At first, most clients want to become more visible, gaining more presence on social media.

• Next, the focus is on acquiring new customers and expanding reach!

• From these small projects, trust grows: we then develop paid ad campaigns (performance marketing) for our clients and often revamp their lead generation strategies. This includes creating new ad copy, updating outdated web systems, and producing "magnetic" content such as videos, online tests, surveys, PDFs, or posts.

• Long-term clients have learned what works for them and implement much of it themselves. They mainly work with us on their social media marketing strategy.

Contact us, and

• I’ll show you your realistic revenue and profit potential

• and I'll outline the steps to get there.

• Together, we’ll also identify any obstacles on the path to success.

In our Zoom call, I’ll also honestly tell you whether working with us will truly benefit you.

If you’re looking for serious social media marketing with an international partner, schedule your free consultation now!

With best regards,

Marius Jost

Discover your individual strategy to increase your revenue by 20%.

Social Media Examples

Paid Advertising: Smartphone and tablet outperform desktop by 2x in cost efficiency (data from campaign with 260,000 impressions).

Industry: Management Training

Project: Paid Marketing for Event Sales


We are looking at a Google Performance Max campaign from early 2024, where we reached 265,000 impressions. The campaign was part of a larger system of additional campaigns and actions.

No matter if it's Google, Facebook (Meta), or another social media marketing platform, the maximum sustainable costs for social media advertising are limited by the customer lifetime value of the product or service. A business earning €9,000 per customer from an event has more flexibility in conversion costs than someone who only has €50 per person left over.


Marketers and clients frequently overlook the significant cost difference between desktop (referred to above as "computer") and mobile devices.

The extensive data foundation helps us prove that even with PMax campaigns, careful analysis is essential: "How much does a click cost us via smartphone, and how much via desktop?"

The event's topic was clearly more suitable for interaction on mobile devices. Keep in mind that, depending on the topic and target audience, this cost difference could also occur in the opposite direction!

In any case, we'd much rather pay 31 cents per click than 71. Anyone who neglects to optimize the client's mobile presence (in terms of speed and usability) is making a big mistake!

For this advertising campaign, not only did we have a better price on smartphones, but we also achieved 20 times as many impressions compared to desktops.

Paid Advertising: 5 times better click-through rate via mobile

Image Above:

For the same client, here's the comparison of Click-Through Rate versus impressions for the PMax campaign:

On smartphones, we were not only able to drive clicks five times more frequently but also achieved over 20 times as many impressions.

On tablets, we were shown twice as often as on PC or Mac desktops.

The Big Picture: Search campaigns often have more than 1% better CTR.

But you should be cautious! The PMax campaign described here behaves differently from typical campaigns for classic Google Search (search campaigns).

For our search campaign for the same client, on the same topic, and during the same period, we achieved roughly the same Click-Through Rate for both computers and smartphones (with at least 2.6% on both device types).

A final word on cost per click: The average cost was 15 cents higher for the search campaign compared to the PMax campaign, but this is justifiable. Our Click-Through Rate for the search campaign was 2.65% across all devices, which was twice as high as the smartphone CTR of the PMax campaign!

Search campaigns provide strategically
important insights into product strategy.

Image Above:

For the same client, a Google search campaign for an event targeting entrepreneurs and executives ran in early 2024 with 280,000 impressions.

The keyword in the first row yields a seemingly low Click-Through Rate of under 1% (we’re not particularly successful at driving clicks). Nevertheless, this keyword in row 1 generates more clicks than the second keyword ("Weiterbildung Geschäftsführer"), which has an excellent Click-Through Rate of over 6%.

The takeaway here is that the interest in the topic in row 1 is so overwhelmingly high that the low Click-Through Rate is not particularly detrimental for us. The only question is: Does what we offer truly align with the search term in row 1 ("Coaching Unternehmer"), or do we need to adjust our offering significantly to fit it?

The Big Picture

Search campaigns highlight the tension between user interests and their willingness to take action (i.e., clicking on our ad)!

Example: "Executive Coaching Seminar"

This is illustrated by the following example: The interest in the German population for "Executive Coaching Seminar" is not particularly high, as we received under 15,000 impressions. However, when we present an advertising offer, it gets clicked "like crazy": in an incredible 16% of all ad impressions! This results in the highest number of clicks among all the search terms shown here.

Example: "Coaching Unternehmer"

Interest in the German population for "Coaching Unternehmer" is very high! Our ads were displayed over 182,000 times for this term. However, the willingness to take action (i.e., to click) was low (only 0.9%). As a result, we received fewer clicks on this topic compared to the previous example. Nonetheless, the contribution of this search term ("Coaching Unternehmer") to the overall click count was significant: we received 1,620 clicks.

It is now up to you and your agency to investigate why clicks are so infrequent. Ultimately, does your advertising and its design align with the search term?

What do data from paid campaigns mean for my product strategy?

The number of impressions on specific topics compared to similar topics indicates current interest or trends.

Ask yourselves the following questions (on the right →).

• Am I naming my product, service, or event in a way that most people would recognize, or have I invented a creative term that hardly anyone searches for? Example search term: 'Bio-Feedback-Management-Training.

• "Am I trying to 'appeal to the masses' with a search term that is searched for thousands of times a month in my target area? Would I have to compromise too much for that, or can I even deliver on it? Example search term: 'Personality Test.'"

• Do I have a product or service that only seems to be searched for a lot? What is the true intention of a user searching for this specific term? Does the user want to visit a site, make a purchase, or just gather information, for example, to complete a research paper? You can find more on the topic of relevance (in English) and search intent, as defined by Google Inc.

The click-through rate indicates how well we can persuade users with our advertising to perform a simple click:

Ask yourselves the following questions (on the right →).

• Do I possibly have a product or service that is frequently searched for, but my type of advertising just doesn't fit? (In that case, you'll see many impressions and a low click-through rate).

• Does the content of my advertisement perhaps not match the target audience? Is the format not suitable? Is the timing off? Is the medium/channel not appropriate?

• Does my product have a poor reputation, or am I possibly perceived as untrustworthy for some other reason (which is leading to a poor click-through rate)?

• Is my click-through rate possibly low because I use a name for my product or service that confuses the target audience? (Example: If you offered a lasagna with the brand name Colgate. This has actually happened—check out the product packaging here. Would that confuse you too?)

• Is my click-through rate indeed very low (compared to other search topics), but am I 'getting away with it' because the search term is highly competitive? (You might get away with it if an incredibly high number of people are searching for it.)

Sold-out events are not a coincidence.

Client: Stefan Küthe®

Industry: Management Training

Project: Image Video


Highlighting the interpersonal and emotional aspects of the Masterclass for executives ALPEN GIPFELHELDEN.


The video campaign is part of a puzzle of interconnected measures. We created a technically optimized landing page with new visuals and texts, distributed unpaid content on LinkedIn and Facebook, developed paid ads on LinkedIn and Google Ads, designed print materials like flyers and roll-ups for training and events, created post-mailing campaigns, and we write the company's newsletter.

Content Marketing: Post-views 1400% above baseline

Client: Gedam GmbH®

Industry: Consulting, Testing Procedures

Project: Unpaid Content for LinkedIn


How do we engage people with a consulting company that also offers psychological tests? After we brought the LinkedIn profile up to the highest quality, we tested various approaches and content.


The carousel post above invites interaction because it challenges people and aligns with the intent users have when using LinkedIn.

The post is just one of many posts we developed for Gedam GmbH for LinkedIn. In addition, we invested significant time and effort into creating fresh content for both of the company's websites and optimized them for Google visibility after a detailed SEO analysis. For Gedam GmbH's events, we created landing pages and ran Google Ads campaigns.

The long-standing collaboration with Gedam GmbH allowed us to also provide advice in the area of marketing strategy. By the end of 2023, the company experienced a clear increase in orders, certifications, and revenue, while some competitors saw stagnation or ceased operations.


Views Comparison Chart

Vergleich der Views vorher / nachher auf LinkedIn




Before our collaboration, an average LinkedIn post typically received only around 450 views.

Our carousel post above captured the target audience's interest on LinkedIn so effectively and generated such curiosity that it exceeded the baseline by more than 1,450 percent.

However, it's important to understand that even content with far fewer views/reactions can be considered a success when it:

• when it is seen and utilized by potential new clients.

• leads to interaction with the content and the provider.

• or addresses mental buying barriers (deal-breaker thoughts) for this target audience.

Content Marketing: 4,000 views of our
PDF without spending a single cent.

Client: Gedam GmbH®

Industry: Consulting, Testing Procedures

Project: Whitepaper as unpaid content for decision-makers (LinkedIn)


How do we reach decision-makers who are looking for corporate training or are responsible for awarding contracts?

Consulting companies that also offer training often try to highlight how excellent their quality and effectiveness are.

Those who participate here risk becoming a commodity, meaning interchangeable.


Nobody likes to talk about the problems with corporate training: What often goes wrong, what should you watch out for with providers, what is commonly left unsaid? We answered these questions in an 8-page whitepaper, which is shown above in a condensed form.

Over 4,000 people have viewed and partially downloaded the PDF. We did not use any advertising budget for this. The number is impressive because it’s a lengthy text that truly only interests the target audience of our client.

The whitepaper was so unique in content that we received a lot of feedback from the target audience and competitors. It's important to remember that all content a company publishes forms a kind of 'bouquet of attributes.' For Gedam GmbH, this somewhat provocative whitepaper certainly highlighted the attributes of 'transparent' and 'direct'.


Views Comparison Chart

Vergleich der Views vorher / nachher auf LinkedIn




A typical post on social media, especially on LinkedIn, usually received only around 450 views.

Our long-form (whitepaper), presented as a carousel post and available for download, is the most notable whitepaper in the company's history, achieving 890 percent of the usual 'baseline noise' of views on LinkedIn.

Many companies make the mistake of immediately launching paid advertising on social media, instead of first trying different forms and types of content to understand what resonates well with the target audience without a budget.

We recommend

• first create content in both short and long formats and test it extensively on at least two platforms.

• and conduct close monitoring of the results. Outliers are only the posts that achieve at least 7x or 8x the average views and engagement rates.

• Decide together with your agency which post is the strongest and ask yourselves once again if you really want to take this topic to the broader public. Is it still relevant? Does it align with your core business? Does it fit with your brand? If so, sponsor the post with a small budget and split-test the campaign. If you have questions about this approach, contact us, as we handle this every day!

When is the best time to publish videos on YouTube?
(Data for German speaking countries)


There are wild speculations about when users are truly active on YouTube. We've heard everything from:

• "Evenings! People hang out on YouTube from 7 PM!"

• "Friday is the secret tip!"

• "Saturday mornings, when people have time! That’s when they dive into YouTube!"

Experience from our client projects on the social media platform YouTube clearly shows that Saturday and Sunday are the best times to publish an unpaid YouTube video.

We specifically analyzed one of our client campaigns, which recorded over 60,000 impressions and 20,000 clicks:

The result?

When running YouTube Ads through the Google network, make sure to:

• disable the ads for early morning hours before 7 AM.

• and critically observe what happens on weaker days like Tuesday and Wednesday.

• You might also choose to exclude certain times based on your target audience.

Social media marketing only works if you truly respect and consider the user intent across different social media channels in your content. Therefore, you should always choose a different approach for YouTube compared to platforms like LinkedIn or TikTok.

We collected the data at the end of April 2024. Tested with 60,000 impressions and 20,000 clicks over 5 months for the DACH region.


Saturday: In the 6 hours from 4:00 PM, 58% of the impressions occurred in our specific test.

The peak on YouTube on Saturday is around 7:30 PM.

Sunday: During the hour starting at 11:00 AM and in the 5 hours starting at 4:00 PM, 56% of the impressions occur on YouTube.
The best time to publish a video on YouTube on a Sunday is currently 11:30 AM.


Always differentiate between "consumption" (impressions) and active interaction ("clicks"). Interactions provide your business with the opportunity to engage with potential customers.

On YouTube, Saturday is the strongest day for interactions with nearly 2,000 clicks, which is twice as many as the weakest day, Tuesday, with only 1,080 clicks.

Following the number of clicks, Sunday ranks right behind Saturday in second place.

How we can work together

Schedule an appointment

You can schedule a free consultation here on our website.

Brief discussion (by phone)

We will call you to find the right contact person for your initial conversation with us.

Consultation via Zoom

A strategy consultant will provide you with 60 minutes of personalized advice on your situation and work with you to develop a solution to your problem.

Collaboration on a project basis

Following the initial consultation, there is an option for us to provide ongoing support for the implementation of your solution.

You Social Media Agency Team

Marius Jost, M.Sc.

Executive Management & Strategic Consulting Projects

Marius comes from the WPP Group (most notably Ogilvy) and has worked for over 7 years in the PR industry for technology and healthcare companies. Most recently, Marius was employed as a Marketing Manager at STADA, where he was responsible for the area of genetic testing, among other duties. Since 2013, Marius has been working as an entrepreneur.

Daniele Nascimento, MBA

Video Plattforms & Production Manager

Daniele entwirft und kreiert atemberaubende Videos und Multimedia-Erlebnisse. Für jede Plattform da draußen findet sie eine Lösung und kennt sich mit Dingen wie „Codecs“ Formaten und Dingen wie „Videoconversions“ aus. Achtung: Katzenfan!

Daniele Nascimento, MBA

Video Plattforms & Production Manager

Daniele designs and creates stunning videos and multimedia experiences. She finds solutions for every platform out there and is knowledgeable about things like "codecs," formats, and "video conversions." Watch out: she's a cat fan!

Shams Zaman

Web-Strategie und Automatisierung

Shams ist ein wahrer Held, wenn es z. B. um WordPress-Theme-Anpassungen, Elementor, Divi, PSD, Figma geht. Wir setzten ihn für SEO-Projekte ein und er meistert zudem E-Commerce Systeme wie z. B. Woocommerce. Shams bringt jahrelange Erfahrung im Bereich Website-Sicherheit mit und ist gar nicht so streng, wie er auf dem Bild aussieht!

Shams Zaman

Web Strategy and Automation

Shams is a true hero when it comes to WordPress theme customizations, Elementor, Divi, PSD, and Figma. We use him for SEO projects, and he also excels in e-commerce systems like WooCommerce. Shams brings years of experience in website security and isn’t as stern as he looks in the picture!

Simon Klein

Branding & Design

Simon lebt in Berlin, hat über 13 Jahre Erfahrung mit führenden internationalen Marken und hat über 300 erfolgreiche Design-Projekte, über den gesamten Globus verteilt betreut und geleitet.

Seine Branding-Erfahrung reicht vom Startup bis zum Konzern und umfasst sowohl Print als auch Online-Produktionen.

Uns was ist daneben eine seiner Stärken? Weltklasse Kommunikation!

Simon Klein

Branding & Design

Simon lives in Berlin and has over 13 years of experience with leading international brands, managing and overseeing more than 300 successful design projects around the globe.

His branding experience spans from startups to large corporations and includes both print and online productions.

And what’s another of his strengths? World-class communication!

© JOST Strategy - The Social Media Agency